This week’s interview is with Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time, a group of Swedish guys who film themselves preparing their meals and are really taking off on YouTube. In addition to their culinary talents and humor, they’ve also got a knack for community building. Be sure to be one of the millions to have enjoyed watching their videos – and now for some words:
Can you give us a short introduction to ROSMT (Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time)?
Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time (ROSMT) started out with myself (Isak Anklew) and Niclas Lundberg on a hangover day in January 2011. We cook regular ordinary Swedish food in a not so regular or ordinary way and post the result on YouTube every week.
What inspired or motivated you to open a shop and how long have you run the shop?
Our fans had longed for something to wear on their awesome bodies, who are we to say no to something like that? We’ve been running the Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time shop for about two weeks.
How did you learn about Spreadshirt?
I had been looking into a lot of different options before being offered a deal from Spreadshirt, It’s hard to say no when someone offers you a good deal.
How much time do you invest in your shop? Do you create designs yourself?
I’ve spent some hours in the shop just administrating stuff but since all of our designs are contributed to us by our awesome community that’s pretty much all I have to do.
Tell us a little about your design contest. Where did the idea come from?
We already knew we had a great community that could show us what they wanted to wear while supporting us at the same time. I started the contest just as a place for people to send their design ideas in to us so we could judge them and let the ones that we thought was awesome get to be part of the contest. The one community member that created the coolest design and got the most votes on our Facebook page won a free voucher to buy his own designed t-shirt. We’ve been experimenting some with these kinda contest and they’re quite obvious when you think about it, just make something that your community wants.
[nggallery id=30]
Where and how do you market your shop and make it well-known?
At this moment we only market our shop to our fans, via Twitter/Facebook/YouTube.
Who do you think your customers are?
Men, women, kids, teenagers, old people. Everyone that ever watched one of our episodes and got hooked will probably support the community and us by buying our products.
If you think back from the “opening” of your shop up to now, what would be the the most important insight that you would give a newcomer?
HAVE COOL DESIGNS AVAILABLE ON LAUNCH DAY! Very important, don’t make some half-ass products just to get something out there. Make it good from the start and keep the good coming.
What was your biggest achievement up to now (with or without Spreadshirt)?
We reached 10 millions total views on YouTube just a few days ago, that was pretty awesome but more importantly; we have 77 487 subscribers (as of writing this) that makes up one of the greatest community I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Have you ever seen someone you don’t know walking around with your t-shirt on?
Not yet, but I’ll hug the first person who recognize me on town wearing one.
What do you do for a living, or better said: what do you do when you are not fiddling around with your shop?
Me (Isak) is currently studying iPhone/Android development in Stockholm, while the rest of the ROSMT crew is up in UmeĆ taking their last months of university studies.
If you were a t-shirt, what would you look like?
I have a thing for red things, so probably a red t-shirt with some print of 8-bit graphics.
Which question have you always wanted to be asked and what is the answer?
“How big is it?” 41.5″ (my Longboard)
Thanks guys – “Dinner is served, bitches!”
Great Idea, will definately be checking these guys out on yt and fb.