
World Cat Day – A Cat’s Eye View

We celebrate International Cat Day on August 8th and pay homage to the world’s favorite pet. While it’s important to point out that a lot of cats get a bad rep, we mainly use the day to celebrate the one animal that’s closer to our hearts than any other. And perhaps you didn’t know how our feline friends secretly rule the world or haven’t seen the cutest designs you could possibly print on your next favorite cat t-shirt

Holy Cats

In ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped as holy animals. Although the cat cult has lost a bit of momentum since then, it’s probably fair to say that cats still receive their fair share of admiration and devotion. So let them run riot with your toilet paper and sleep on your laptop, it’s all part and parcel of their divine existence. And no, funny cat t-shirts never go out of fashion!

Aby Caricature by designer Leenascats

Cat Music

The musical “Cats” took the world by storm in the 1980s, and the show has given us unforgettable melodies like “Memory” or “The Song of the Jellicles”. So keep the cats in the groove!

Music Lover Cat VII by designer forhuman

Cats in space


Some might say that the first ever animal in space was a dog. Sacrilege! Let us provide the ultimate proof that it was indeed the Nyan Cat who’s been travelling time and space for ages. And you just gotta love the tune…

Space Cat Large by designer circaskaterr

Wild Cats


Wild cats rule the world, whether it’s the Champion of the Savannah aka the Lion King, the tiger in Life of Pi or cougars preying on young bucks intent on breaking their horns. And those who are fair game just love expressing their readiness to pounce on t-shirts designed for the right occasion.

Cougar Tamer by designer JazzyDesignz

Love Cats


A couple of decades ago, British new-wave band The Cure broke with their first Top 10 hit “Love Cats” – and who wouldn’t think of lovable fluff balls when listening to the song? From Simon’s Cat to Aristocats – our smoothly-pawed friends receive a lot of love in popular culture as well. Deservedly so, we hasten to add.

Keep Calm Love Cats by designer Anabellster

Kings of the Internet


When cute cats are captured with low-quality smartphones, aspects of image resolution or cinematic standards don’t matter. People happily share their homemade cat clips and images on Facebook and Pinterest, thousands of likes guaranteed. And quality cat designs are bound to wow everyone who lay eyes on them – so über-super cuuute!!

Kittens by designer augustinet

Do you have a special cat treat for World Cat Day? Please tell us what makes your cat so special, and share your love, stories and anecdotes with us in the comment section below. Long live the cat!




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