
Ugly Christmas Designs: Oh, Lordy, That’s Ugly!

Ugly Christmas sweaters have long been a tradition come the holidays. People will dig deeply into the deepest, darkest reaches of mothball-laden closets for the itchiest, ugliest, most unbearably-hideous Christmas sweaters they can get their hands on and parade around gaily in a celebration of disgust. It’s fun! Maybe.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s the dawn of a new day.  Not only have ugly Christmas sweaters gone the way of the Dodo, they’ve been usurped by the next big thing: ugly Christmas t-shirts.  Spreadshirt has asked a number of our most popular Shop owners and designers to create some ugg-o Christmas designs to help you celebrate this season.  Have a look at what they came up with after the jump.

Ugly Christmas sweaters

Down with Detroit’s Ugly Golf Christmas Sweater truly embodies Christmas ugliness.  A seasonally-appropriate golf cart whisking merrily across a majestic, starry sky?  That pretty much says it all.

ugly christmas sweater

Afternoon Tee’s Holiday Cat is really wrapped up in the Christmas spirit.  This high-voltage feline gives new meaning to “lit up like a Christmas tree”.

ugly christmas sweater

Funky T Shack’s Christmas Horses design really harkens back to the base elements of Christmas sweater ugliness.  Animals in their natural habitat arbitrarily encircled in a holiday wreath.  Perfection.


Gladditude’s Santa, I Know Him! design pays hideous homage to everyone’s favorite Christmas flick Elf.  It’s got it all; candy canes, a joyous elf, snowflakes, Christmas trees, stockings, presents.  A true celebration of ugly.

Ugly Christmas Sweater

Last but certainly not least, Teacher Comedy Shirts really comes to play with this classically-styled Ugly Christmas Sweater design.  With its roots firmly planted in the mid-70’s, this design just needs a pair of bellbottoms and a cup of eggnog.

Head on over to our Ugly Christmas design page for all of our Partners’ contributions and many other hideously hilarious designs that’ll really put some fun into your holiday celebrations.  And when you’re done wearing these bad boys for the season, put them back, deep dark in the closet – Merry Christmas to all, and to these t-shirts, good riddance (until next year)!

4 comments Write a comment

  1. Funny thing is before this on my shop I had a few anti sweater shirts mirrorng another joke the grandma sweater gift

    You can see them on my shop
    1. merry itchmas
    2. Dear grandma
    3. merry pokemas
    I’m sharing this cause I’m kind of laughing.
    I feel like I’m ahead of the game this year.

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