Do you know which holidays and events are most popular with your customers? Are you missing out on occasions when customers are searching for specific designs? Get a handy overview of 2020 here!
UPDATE April 2nd, 2020: Right now the world is all topsy-turvy as we’re learning how to celebrate not only big life events, but holidays and special occasions while practicing social distancing. We’ve updated this article accordingly with spring and summer events that have now been cancelled. While it’s not ideal, we know you’ve got some creative tricks up your sleeves as designers! We’re excited to see what you come up with.
Earth Day on April 22nd
The climate crisis is one hot topic— and Earth Day is a great opportunity for you as a designer to show off your eco-friendly designs. Where there’s a cause this important, you know people will find some way to peacefully demonstrate for better climate policy, even while social distancing.
Whether it’s informative designs about your ecological footprint, images of the Earth, or special environmental protection topics such extinction or plastic waste— Earth-friendly designs are a broad and important topic to add to your Showroom.
2020 Holidays and Special Occasions at a Glance
Date | Occasion | Market | Comments |
March 19th | Father’s Day IT, ES | IT, ES, BE, CH | |
March 20th | First Day of Spring | Global (northern hemisphere) | This event marks the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. In the North, people can’t wait for spring to begin, so use this opportunity to draw attention to seasonal products. |
March 22nd | Mother’s Day UK | UK | |
April 1st | April Fool’s Day | Global (Western) | In the Western world, people know that on April 1st they’ll probably get pranked. |
April 10th-19th | Coachella | USA | Coachella is one of the biggest music festivals in the world. It’s also one of the most exclusive music festivals. While the annual music festival has been cancelled this year, people can still crank up their music and rock out at home while video chatting with their friends. ‘No-chella 2020’ T-shirts, anyone? |
April 22nd | Earth Day | Global | April 22nd marks the anniversary of the environmental movement founded in 1970. On this day, countries around the world support environmental protection. |
May 3rd | Mother’s Day ES | ES | |
May 5th | Cinco de Mayo | MX, USA | This day is celebrated in parts of Mexico and the United States to honor the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France. |
May 10th | Mother’s Day | DE, AT, CH, US, DK, FI, IT, CA, CA, AUS, NL, BE | Mother’s Day celebrates mother figures in society. In the US, it’s the third biggest spending holiday of the year. |
May 12th – 16th | Eurovision Song Contest | Europe | Little known outside Europe, Eurovision is an annual international song contest, famous for its entertaining and cheesy performances. If you’ve never heard of this contest before, imagine American Idol, but with artists from different countries competing for the prize. |
May 21st | Father’s Day DE | DE | |
May 26th | Mother’s Day PL | PL | |
May 31st | Mother’s Day FR | FR | |
June 1st | Children’s Day DE | DE | |
June 7th | Father’s Day CH | CH | |
June 8th | Best Friend Day | USA | There’s no clear history behind Best Friend Day, but that doesn’t stop the world from marking the occasion and spoiling their friends. |
June 21st | Father´s Day | USA | |
June 21st | International Yoga Day | Global | Namaste everyone |
July 4th | Independence Day | USA | |
July 17th | World Emoji Day | Global | Today we can choose among 3,019 emojis. If you’re not doing it already, try incorporating emojis into your marketing campaigns to increase consumer engagement. |
August 8th | International Cat Day | Global | |
August 19th-October 4th | Oktoberfest | DE & Global | |
September 22nd | First Day of Fall | Global | |
October 1st | International Coffee Day | Global | |
October 31st | Halloween | Mostly USA; Global | Halloween originated from an ancient Celtic festival in Ireland that marked the end of the annual harvest season and the coming of winter. Today, with its fun costumes, trick-or-treating, and festive decorations, Halloween is anything but serious. |
November 1st | World Vegan Day | Global | |
November 11th | Singles Day | Mostly China; Global | 11.11, Singles Day, started as a student tradition in China in the mid-1990s. On this day, single friends would spend time together eating, going to movies, and shopping.
However, November 11th took an unexpected and commercial turn in 2009 when one of the biggest ecommerce companies, Alibaba, decided to run its first Singles Day sale. Fast forward to today and double 11 is one of China’s biggest annual spending events. |
November 14th | Diwali | India | Diwali, or the Hindu Festival of Lights, is one of India’s most popular holidays. Celebrated every autumn, it honors the victory of good over evil and light over dark.
In preparation for Diwali, families spend days cleaning and decorating their homes. They also shop for new clothes and accessories to wear during the festival. |
November 26th | Thanksgiving | USA | |
November 10th-18th | Hanukkah | Global | |
December 26th-January 1st | Kwanzaa | Global | Kwanzaa is a 7-day holiday when families honor their African heritage. During each of the seven days, a candle is lit to recognize one of seven core values, or Nguzo Saba. |
There you have it! The most important holidays and occasions for 2020, though of course there are many more occasions and seasonal trends not listed here, as well as many other curious holidays to keep an eye on. Choose some days to celebrate this year that resonate with you, your target audience and your Showroom.