
Say Cheese – 10 of our favorite designs from SmileyWorld FanArt

Say Cheese – 10 of our favorite designs from SmileyWorld FanArt

Your designs from the SmileyWorld FanArt Program have given us a good laugh. Get grinning with 10 of our favorite designs!

Well folks, that was a lot of fun. Our first FanArt Program, SmileyWorld, is over and it’s safe to say it was worth the wait. We are blown away by your effort, creativity and ideas. The first FanArt Designs are now online, and we’re excited to show you 10 of our favorites so far. But this is just the beginning. Over the next few weeks, more and more of those feel-good designs will be finding their way onto the Marketplace.

“Good vibes only” seems to be the Marketplace’s new motto. And let’s be honest, we could all do with a friendly smile at the moment . Of course, making the call wasn’t too easy, we had a lot of amazing designs to choose from. Anyway, enough fun (😊): here are 10 designs that had us smiling!

Shiny Happy – 10 of our Favorites

SmileyWorld_Unique Smile from Strandmuschel

A design as unique as your smile:

Funny Smiley ́s with color palette from Braincrash Dave

Love comes in all shapes, colors and sizes:

SmileyWorld Happy Zone from NiceDesigner

Welcome to the House of Fun:

Smiley Unicorn Rainbow Just Happy from Elena Bunt

What’s more unique than a unicorn?

SmileyWorld Koala Sunday Smiley from Frizzante

Shhhh, don’t wake this dreamy koala:

Smiley I Pretend I’m A Pirate from Mikeavelli Design

We’ll see who has the last laugh, Jack Sparrow:

Smileys Be Crazy from DDKMDAD

Things are about to get crazy:

Cheerful Smiley face with large chef’s hat from namo

Jamie Oliver, eat your heart out:

Pretty bad girl skull Smiley! from T-Shirt Welt

Friendly… but still badass:

SmileyWorld – All you need is love from zoejux

We’re all about true stories:

We had a blast checking out all your designs . That was a serotonin boost we didn’t even know we needed, thanks!

What was your favorite SmileyWorld FanArt Design? Let us know in the comment section.

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