Thank you for taking the time for this interview! Your moniker, “Hanami”, is the name of the Japanese cherry-blossom festival and plays on your penchant for Japanese traditions and art.
Designer of the Month: Hanami

Thank you for taking the time for this interview! Your moniker, “Hanami”, is the name of the Japanese cherry-blossom festival and plays on your penchant for Japanese traditions and art.
Vanessa Uher, aka Kunstvibe, talks us through this issue of Spreadshirt’s In the Studio with… She fills us in on how she became a painter and designer, all while travelling the world without losing her human touch.
Take a big bowl of Halloween, throw in a heaping spoonful of some freakish creatures, blend gently with some vintage rockabilly, tropical beaches and armed elephants, throw it all in the oven for 25 minutes at 350 ° and you’ve baked yourself a Don Ramos soufflé. We dared to explore his wicked mind. Are you ready?
For all you feline fanatics out there, have we got a Designer of the Month for you! Break out the cat nip and tune up your scratching posts as we sit down with uber-popular designer FridayCat! Delve into the mysterious world of this catty designer, as we ask the questions the others were too scared to ask… So sit back, gather up all of your nine lives and get to know FridayCat after the jump. Read more
In this month’s installment of Designer of the Month, we sit down with Magnaen, self-described “6 year old boy in the body of a 26 year old man-child”, and dig deeply into the inner working of his brain, his love of felines, his artwork and design life and even where his Game of Thrones allegiances lie. Follow the jump to learn more about the man-child that is Magnaen—October’s Designer of the Month. Read more
In this month’s edition of Designer of the Month, we sit and have a chat with RustyDoodle, Spreadshirt’s very own Peter Pan. A child in an adult’s body, RustyDoodle’s designs bring a whimsy and playfulness to Spreadshirt that is enjoyed by all. His animated, cartoony style is fun and clean, creative and carefree. Have a gander at the article after the jump to learn what food he can’t live without, what programs he uses to create his designs, what he wanted to be when he grew up, and other fun facts about August’s Designer of the Month. Congrats, RustyDoodle!