I upgraded to latest version of Word Press today. And noticed my embedded shop is no longer showing $A next to prices. Did a test purchase and pricing is in $US. Deactivated, reactivated Spreadshirt plugin, recopied code to my website, still no luck. Locale string in code copied from Spreadshirt’s embed setting says ‘us_AU’, so thinking that is correct. When logged into spreadshirt and visiting my shop on the platform, $A show on items on the shop.spreadshirt.com/shopname but not on the embedded site. Thoughts on what i am missing here? Did not have this problem prior to today’s WP upgrade.
Hi! Can you point me to your site so I can have a look at the problem?
Have stopped spreadshirt redirect in advanced settings so you can see the difference. $A not showing on embedded page WP site. Was doing so until upgrade today. Am using Spreadshop plugin by Robert Schulz.
Below is code copied and embedded into page at site, taken from spreadshirts advanced settings…
Ah I see! If you use the Spreadshop plugin, you don’t need the code from your advanced settings. You can set the locale in the settings of the WP plugin. From what I can see it is set to us_US there.
In the plugin itself it advises to set locale to NA for australia and only offers me EU, which defaults to denmark site. Plugin says it is up to date, but is no longer being supported and has not been tested on latest version of WP. I have it set to NA (i.e not applicable), as it was previously.
Are you suggesting I remove the settings from the script? and try that?
Tried removing locale string from script, with no success. Am off to bed, will revisit it later tomorrow.
My bad. I just noticed that it is not possible to set t he country in the Spreadshop Plugin, only the language. Which of course doesn’t work for Australia, as your language is also English.
I am afraid I can not support you with the plugin itself. But you can always try and do a manual integration as described here: https://help.spreadshirt.com/hc/en-us/articles/207487815-Website-integration-with-JavaScript. Please note that you should uninstall the Spreadshop plugin before doing that, as the two approaches don’t mix well.