Calling all current and future Shopify store users! Hoping to take advantage of Spreadshirt’s print-on-demand (POD) services?

There is no specific date yet, a rough time estimate is second half of 2019.

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okay thanks. do we get in touch somehow? newsletter and co?

We don’t have a standalone signup for our newsletter yet, so I would suggest you install our App to receive it :slight_smile:

which App?

The Shopify App for SPOD: !

danke. aber ich eröffne doch keinen shopify shop, der geld kostet, den ich ja nur zu testzwecken habe. ich würde mir das schon gerne einamal ansehen wenn es fertig ist um zu sehen ob ich dies so nutzen kann wi ich es brauche…

Ok. Wir informieren natürlich auch hier im Forum wenn die Migration Spreadshirt zu SPOD live ist, dann kannst du dir das ganze genauer anschauen.

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super danke…

Has this been made live now? It’s pretty useless without this feature.

Hey RollersReturn,

Acutally this feature has not been released yet and we also did not work on it due to other tasks we have at hand.
Right now we are preparing the option to sell via Magento, WooCommerce, API, OrderDesk.
After that we will see what feedback we get and what the roadmap will be.

Kind regards
Robert from SPOD

I really hope all the designs on Spreadshirt can be made available on SPOD. I came across Spreadshirt and really liked the Japanese and Vintage designs but when I downloaded the Spod app onto my Shopify store, I was disappointed that all the designs I liked were not available for me to use on my Shopify store. I hope SPOD management will reconsider the offerings and make them available on SPOD. It would make financial sense, i would think.