I am having trouble adding other products that I want to design to sell on my site. I only see shirts and sweatshirts. I can customize the other products like water bottles and put them in my cart ,but I don’y know how to add those products and design them for my shop? Can anyone help! please and thank you!
Hey there!
When you are logged in and have uploaded your design, you are asked to select your sales channel (Marketplace or dedicated Spreadshop)
The next step displays a random set of drafted products, which you can customize or use rightaway.
If you want to add more products, please click on the bold tile called “Edit product selection”
There you will have the chance to create all kinds of products, available for your printing method (depending on your graphic file)
Let me know, if this was the solution you are looking for.
best regards,
YES! it was thank you sooo much!
We´re here to help you!