:spreadshirt: Marketplace Designers: What the Migration Means for You

As a Marketplace Designer this is the place to ask questions about the migration from the legacy user area to the partner area.

When will this occur?

Is the preparation for this migration likely to have contributed to the sales downturn noticed by so many partners?

We will inform you about all the details really really soon.

The reasons for a downturn in sales are various and sometime individual. But I can´t see that this is directly connected.

Of course we hope that by setting up all Partners to the new Partner Area we can support them in the best possible way. The Partner Area has plenty of advantages compared to the legacy user area.

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Will all designs/products that haven’t sold yet since 01.01.2016 be deleted from the marketplace and t-shirt designer ?

If the design/product was created before 01.01.2016 and did not have any sale until now, it will not be migrated to the new partner area. This means it will not be on the marketplace or in the t-shirt designer.

But we will migrate designs/products that were created after the 01.01.2016 no matter if it sold or not. These will be migrated to the new partner area.

Outstanding, I’ve been waiting for this update for years!

Hate to wait until June tho :slight_smile:


Hey @Veteran_Graphics,

we are happy to hear you are looking forward to the new partner area :slight_smile: ! We also think the upgrade to the new partner area has a lot of advantages for all of you.

From the blog post; it seems like the migration will be a big thing that will add features that may surpass the designer areas of other POD sites. Can’t wait to give it a spin; especially the analytics area; as it seems this will help us a great deal in our CPC campaigns.

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Thanks for your feedback @xzendor7! We´re also looking forward to the switch and we are convinced the new Partner Area gives all of you a lot more potential and benefits :muscle:.

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Will designs which have not sold previous to 2016 disappear from our accounts entirely, or just be removed from the marketplace / shops?

Hi @FluffyLikeRazors,

Designs and/or products with a design that have not sold since 01/01/2016 will not be migrated.
All designs uploaded after 01/01/2016 will be migrated regardless.

After the migration, these designs can’t be accessed in the Partner Area anymore. This means they are no longer accessible in your account and with that given they are also no longer on the marketplace.