Moving a design to another region

Hello. I created a design on the American version of the shop but then realized that I can create an account to one in my country for faster and cheaper shipping. Can I move the design I created to that account?

Ahoy @User_NA-f58f27eb,

In which country do you primarily want to sell your designs?Currently, I can’t see where you are from because you haven’t filled out your account yet.

I just want to get a single tshirt for a gift to be shipped to me in Belgium.

Ah. ok. But if you just want to order 1 single shirt for yourown/ or as a gift for someone you just need to order as a simple customer and you dont need to create an account.
And then of course you should order from this site: Gepersonaliseerde T-shirts - T-shirt bedrukken | Spreadshirt

An Account is only necessary if you want to sell your designs.