Omg my entire Spreadshop has gone to shit! (Embedded on my own website url)

I was aware that the new interface was coming, but I didn’t know the embedded shop would DESTROY my entire site! I have thousands of designs and nothing is in ORDER!


The WHITE TYPE is now being displayed on WHITE SHIRTS!!

Most of my shirts have a front pocket, full back art and sleeve art. Now they are all grouped together in this huge page grid!

Only the front of the shirts are showing, when I had the BACK of the shirts displayed!

No one can find anything on my page, including me!



The search tool doesn’t show any of my product names, it now shows the name of the art file! NOT GOOD!

I AM FREAKING OUT. I don’t even know how to show the BACK. This will certainly kill all my sales!
How do I add TEXT on the SLEEVES??

VERY, VERY UPSET. Pure insanity and CHAOS now.

Yes, I am Still working on fixing all the designs/shirt placements in my shops.
It’s taking WAY TOO MUCH of my time, when I should be marketing for Q4!
I think this update should NOT have been implemented right before the Holiday Rush!

That said, I am getting the hang of the new platform.
Several likes, several dislikes.
Really like the ease of creating new items!
The templates vs the cloning tool is quite kewl as well.

Most important is to be able to SHOW THE BACK of the shirt, not just a sea of front pocket art!
I know you guys are working on that. Please put it at the top of your list :wink:

Thanks for all you do.
I know it can’t be easy helping thousands upon thousands of shop owners!

Same thing with my site… lost several designs, all descriptions, tags, titles are gone…a couple of my customers couldn’t find certain items that were there before the change. Guess I’m gonna have to delete everything and start all over. So much for making things easier.

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Same here! 4 years of work flushed. 1K in sales at a minimum every month just on links and seo and now nothing. No sales. The worst part, they don’t care, no input allowed. And taking away categories (topics), what sense does that make?? Ugh, nothing else to do but move on :frowning:

Of course we are and we’d love your input. We did inform you about the categories not being migrated (instead you need to create new topics - it’s a much cooler display of the old categories).

Currently you cannot choose the back of a product to display as default in your shop. We are working on changing this!

If your Shop made sales in the last 3 1/2 years then we migrated all of your designs in that Shop. Are you talking about designs on the Marketplace?

This is a mess. I noticed my designs are gone in my shop. So I re-uploaded them, but nothing will show in my shop. It’s been days and nothing I add to the shop will display.

Since you have 5 Shops… which one are you talking about? I’d be happy to have a look and help to find the mistake :slight_smile:

Agree. Also having added a new design and created new products, ALL these products now show in my shop and there seems no way of removing them.
I guess the only solution must be to go to another platform and create a shopify shop for your website if you want to sell your specific products :confused:

You can remove unwanted products as explained here

Yep I just had someone ask if I’m scamming them… My sales are also in the gutter when they should be starting to increase a little. This change was not well planned or thought out I bet there was no staff there currently there that completely understood the old functionality because if there was the least they could have done was retained the way things were configured in our existing shops with the update only applying to new items built instead of rewriting existing data. I just can’t understand why something so important to a business would get completely overlooked. I did try fixing things, I did try using their plugin (which doesn’t work and breaks WordPress I can’t even install it), I tried changing my shop settings and NO it is not easy, the only easy thing is making 200 products with the same graphic on it. All the SEO capabilities seem to be gone. I may have to mirror the sites and co-link like I did nearly 10 years ago which was kind of a bad band-aid system even then. I’m worried now because I’m getting complaints… WHY on earth would this change happen going into the 4th quarter??? I’ve rebuilt so many times over the years… :sob: This is probably the worst update I have had to deal with…

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Not being able to select the print type per item per store screwed up one of my shops entirely, I tried to fix it and I cannot because now it just defaults everything by design not shop. :frowning: It was glow in the dark items and now some of them don’t offer glow in the dark print. I had removed the “edit” button so people couldn’t accidentally change it from glow to non-glow. I can’t even set the items to glow print anymore.

Is there a way I can add code that will only show all the products listed with “glow in the dark” print on “black items”? I’m trying to work with you all here… but this was one of the shops I kept up to date with the changes and it is still messed up.