:spreadshirt: :spreadshop: ! Read Me First ! :spreadshop: :spreadshirt:

Heya! Great to have you here! :v:

I’m Sara, the main forum moderator. I keep my gentle, watchful eye on this space. You can always give me a shout out on the forum should you need a helping hand: just use the @-sign, like this: @Sara. You can also drop me a private message.

Here are some important things to help you get started:

Oh… are you here to report a BUG :beetle:? Here’s a special HOW-TO:

  • Indicate if you have Spreadshop or if you sell on the Marketplace
  • Provide partner ID, Shop ID or Shop link, or design ID (if applicable). Screenshots never hurt.
  • Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible.

But most importantly: enjoy yourself and the forum! :slight_smile:




I am new here.

I am reading the “Read Me First!” page.
under “… report a BUG…”

“Please do so the dedicated section”… it seem you are missing a word:
as is “… do so … “in” the dedicated section”


Thanks :slight_smile: I corrected it!

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