:spreadshop: Shop Owners: What the Migration Means for You

This is where you can discuss and ask questions about everything shop specific that is related to the migration of our partners from the legacy user area to the upgraded Partner Area:

Lena, I have an embedded shop in my Wordpress website https://lawphrases.com with the whole website being Spreadshirt except for the home page two slides. Will the migration cause any change to it? Will all the designs migrate intact so the don’t have to be placed on the products again? Also if I read correctly, the blog article stated that there would be 8 products per design. Right now there are many more than that, so did I read the number of 8 products correctly? Last, the blog piece mentioned using “topics” which doesn’t apply to my designs as all are in the single topic of “law.” Will I be able to ignore “topics”? Thanks, Charles

No, the migration won’t change anything in your embedded Wordpress shop. If your shop had any sales since the 1.1.2016 then ALL your products and designs will be migrated to the upgraded partner area (even those that didn’t sell since then).

In your shop we will display 8 products per design if you choose to display your shop with the product display (https://www.spreadshirt.com/blog/2016/11/02/design-view-or-product-view-which-is-best/). Of course your customers will still be able to buy ALL the products you created via the drop down of product categories in your header. Since you use the design display NOTHING will change for you.

Indeed, you don’t use categories in your Shop so nothing to worry here either.

Seems like you’re all set :slight_smile:

Thank you, Lena. You could not have written a better reply answering all of my questions.

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In calendar week 32 the migration continues. We’ll keep you informed in detail here and also in the red info box that you can see in your user area.

There’s a new update to our timeline:

Let me know if there are any other questions!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Products are gone!