SPOD released Create Your Own Tool for Shopify

We’re excited to announce that SPOD’s Create Your Own Tool is live! As a Shopify merchant you can now offer your customers a full-fledged customization tool.

We’ll soon be adding even more features to this tool, but we hope you enjoy our first iteration!

Check our FAQ for more details: https://faq.spod.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019514453-How-can-I-add-the-Create-Your-Own-Tool-to-my-Shopify-store#article
You can install the SPOD App here: https://apps.shopify.com/spod-spreadshirt-print-on-demand?affiliateID=11012

This is a cool idea and definitely a step in the right direction. Is there any way that we can get the marketplace designs to show up in this app?

Will there ever be an option to have products commissioned through this app as opposed to needing print/shipping costs upfront from a credit card? This concept is actually half of the reason I came to Spreadshop as opposed to focusing solely on Shopify for POD solutions.

Thanks for the positive Feedback!

As for the marketplace designs that is something we’re currently reviewing and might release later this year.

The commission model of the Spreadshop doesn’t work in the Shopify world, as you’re here the actual seller of the goods to the customers. So we’re never receiving any customers money in that scenario that we could forward a share of commission. This brings you the advantage of complete freedom about pricing and also the whole ownership of the customer incl. his data.

If you’re afraid you need to pay prior receiving money from the customer then this is not the case. Actually, if you send the order to our production we’re authorizing the payment on your credit card and actually draw the money only the moment we ship the order. So, usually you would receive the customers money before needing to pay us.

Please let me know if that doesn’t answer your question.

Any chance of getting a bulk order discount with the make your own tool ?


We’ve discussed internally in the team to add this feature but we haven’t gotten to a clear plan how this could work and what the use case for you as a merchant would be.

Would be great if you could give us some insights how you would imagine it to work.

I would like for it to work just like the spreadshop bulk purchasing does , drop price a certain percentage for each tier limit, also it would be nice if we could have set pricing for each style item we offer customization for, Having just a set percentage makes the pricing not match the items I have for sale as I don’t use a specific percentage for markup. example - I have to keep a higher mark up on women’s tank tops due to the amount of returns I handle .where as basic mens tee’s I have a much lower return rate so I don’t have to mark up as much

That helps some… Most POD apps (TeeLaunch, Printful, etc) will require a payment before a shop owner receives the customer’s money. So, we’re stuck if there isn’t room on a card that’s dedicated to startup business costs. Getting the customer’s money first would allow for us to cover the printing costs with SPOD. So that’s perfect (if I’m understanding this correctly)!

I look forward to creating designs for both Spreadshop and SPOD users to use in their stores. Thanks!