The bottom of Spreadshop it said: Open your free shop today --- Can I remove it?

The bottom of Spreadshop it said: Open your free shop today — Can I remove it?

Can someone answer me please Thank you

Please see


This implies to potential customers that the whole site is just some worthless junk. Why would then anyone buy there?
And why would any shirt customer want to open her FREE shop?

It is not FREE. It costs e.g. proper hosting!

Speadshirt does NOT have this footer line on the marketplace, this says it actually all!

So please remove this or call it at least “shop module” and not “you FREE shop”!


Hi @Dataskrekk you can easily remove this part as explained above :slight_smile:

It does not work for the store in Norway.

It does work in the US store. The setup for the stores (the store itself on spreadshirt and on my website) is the same. Help appreciated.

Can you please post your shop ID so I can adjust it myself? Thank you :slight_smile:

I had a stupid syntax error in the interface where the CSS is added, sorry.

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