Spreadshirt should put a warning in their FAQ and tell everyone to go research their local city and state business taxes and other city & state legal business requirements. I think many people think that these things don’t apply to them since they are only working by themselves in their home and that Spreadshirt is the real business and that they the designers are not a real business. But the city, state, and federal governments do think of you as a real business anyway and you need to meet at least some of the same requirements as the people who start brick & mortar business and hire employees. You guys never mentioned this fact in the 12 years since you started in 2005. I had to pay $850 in back taxes, which includes penalties and interest that was compounded every year for the past 8 yrs. I know it’s not your job to give people tax advice, but it is well within your ability to simply warn people that they may have to pay city & state business tax and that they should research this. Also it’s not enough to simply tell people that they should talk to a professional about taxes, such as a laywer or accountant, because I know of someone who made a lot of money on youtube and his tax attorney failed to tell him about Washington state business taxes, and now he has to pay 3 yrs back taxes plus interest and penalties. You guys could have saved me hundreds of dollars by warning me 12 yrs ago that I may have to pay city and/or state business taxes.
Heya, thanks for the feedback, I’ll put it forward!