Wordpress - Spreadhsop Integration Question

Hey there,
My Spreadshop is integrated into my wordpress website using the official plugin.
I find the main problem is with hiding the header of the spreadshop and yet have promotions in the website. I want to still have promotions so the clients can get discounts BUT I’m hiding the spreadshop header so it will look more native in my store.
Is there a way to disable the promotion bar and still offer the deals? I can create my own bar but my concern is that the client won’t be able to click the Redeem button to get the discount.
Right now the spreadshop header is hiding under an element in my store. Whenever there is a promotion it moves my arrangement and shows a bit of the breadcrumbs.

My goal: to still have promotions in the websites but either 1. use my own clickable promotion bar 2. Hide the breadcrumbs so it won’t shows whenever there is a promotion and the promotion bar won’t push the entire embedded plugin down (and reveal the breadcrumbs).

Hope I was clear.
Thanks for the help and stay safe!



since this is a Spreadshop related question I would like you to ask my colleagues in the Spreadshop forum: https://www.spreadshop.com/forum/c/english

They can help you with your question. :slight_smile:

Best regards,