Spreadshirt Offers Tips to Enhance a Marketing Campaign
03.28.2011– Boston, MA – March 29, 2011 – Have you ever thought how your life would be impacted if every thought you had ended up on a t-shirt? Now think how it could impact your business and brand. That’s the power of marketing with c-commerce—a growing trend that has become even more relevant with the meteoric rise of social media. It’s important for savvy entrepreneurs, YouTubers, organizations and brands to know how to leverage online platforms to help extend their reach and foster brand advocates offline.
Spreadshirt, the leading multi-channel clothing-commerce platform, offers tips and examples on ways to generate revenue, maximize a marketing campaign, and raise brand awareness and engagement.
• Look for platforms that are free. Open up an online store that reflects your brand—and then leverage your shop through SEO (search engine optimization), newsletters and blogs. Platforms like Spreadshirt enable you to open a fully-branded turnkey shop with no start-up or monthly fees, so it’s risk-free.
• Leverage the use of t-shirts and other apparel to spread your message. Even big brands like Nissan and Newcastle use online t-shirt campaigns. When Nissan launched the Nissan Cube and encouraged people to choose their favorite “cube-ism” to wear on a shirt, they were able to create thousands of brand advocates https://nissancube.spreadshirt.com/.
The Newcastle campaign “Your Beer Your Threads” generated over 62,000 visits to its Newcastle shop where fans could pick their favorite Newcastle Brown Ale design and customize the message to make it their own. In all, over 3,000 shirts were ordered and that many brand advocates were born
These examples demonstrate how effective co-creation and c-commerce can be in helping brands reach out to customers and enable fans not only to relate to a brand on their own terms, but also to embrace it.
• Use social sharing tools like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to make it viral. Plant a seed from your shop and then Tweet, blog, post to YouTube and Facebook, to make it viral. YouTube comedian Toby Turner (aka Tobuscus) has over a million subscribers https://tobuscus.spreadshirt.com/ and uses his shop to grow his following and raise awareness for his 3 channels.
For more great Spreadshirt tips on how to maximize any marketing campaign, visit https://www.spreadshirt.com/spreaducation-marketing-C3558 .