Spreadshirt Announces Top Word Worn in 2009: “I”

Spreadshirt Reveals the Words, Names, Professions, Cities and Sports Consumers Wore

BOSTON, January 2010 -Spreadshirt, a leading online platform for creating, buying and selling “me shirts” — stylish conversation starters that people love to wear — announces “I” as the top word worn by consumers based on its 2009 sales. “Self-expression is about identity, so ‘I’ leading our list of Top Words Worn makes sense,” said Jana Eggers, CEO Spreadshirt. “It shows that we deliver our core value. After that, the list gets juicy.”

Highlights from 2009’s Top Words Worn:

  • Politics. Obama won the election and the Nobel Peace Prize, but “You” beat “Obama” for the #2 word worn.
  • Love. “Team” scored #4, beating perennial favorite #5 “love” by almost 50%. In defense of love, “I ♥” is always the top design worn.
  • Closely related: From the Top Names Worn list, Team Edward beat Team Cullen in the Twilight fans’ hearts.
  • Sports. After Washington Redskins’ Colt Brennan declared fellow Redskin Chris Cooley his life coach, many people followed his lead, and kicked “coach”, “life” and “Chris” into the top 10. (Ref: http://chriscooley47.blogspot.com/2009/08/captain-chaos-life-coach-by-joe-white.html)
  • Culture. It is good to be the “king”, but it is 4 times better to be “mom” (#12), if you want to be immortalized on a shirt, hoodie, tote, gloves, or apron.
  • Internet. A meme jumps from the virtual world to the physical: “ever” appears at #24, as people declare their worst.[noun].ever, like the Simpsons’ Comic Book Guy. (Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_Book_Guy)
  • [Censored]. Word #19 had to be censored as we don’t drop the f bomb at work.
  • Comparing Spreadshirt’s Words Worn list to the Global Language Monitor Top Words of 2009 (Ref: http://www.languagemonitor.com/news/top-words-of-2009)

  • Obama was worn more often than Word of the Year Twitter, even when related words “tweet,” “re-tweet,” and “follow” were added in.
  • N1H1 made a good showing on chests, but got bitten by the vampire-obsessed fans of the Twilight franchise and their expressions of adoration.
  • Many folks expressed their disappointment and despair about the financial crisis on shirts, but not one science geek wore their support for the God Particle and the Large Hadron Collider.
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