Spreadshirt Unveils Showroom for Designers

Showroom Empowers Designers to Show Off Best Designs and Create Their Own Hall of Fame

Spreadshirt, the self expression global e-commerce company, reveals their latest enhancement for designers to show off their best work – the Showroom. The personalizable Showroom gives designers a face – a clear profile, where they can proudly display and share an entire range of their artwork and further interact with their communities. It also enhances the search process for consumers, making it much easier to keep track of their favorite designers.

Showroom Designer Things People Say

Showroom from Designer Things People Say

There are many features in the new Showroom that designers can personalize including:

  • Create customized headers
  • Post a profile image and a description
  • Personalize product descriptions
  • Add in links to their social media platforms

“Spreadshirt wants to cast the limelight on the designer by making the Showroom their online Hall of Fame, featuring their profile pictures and product previews,” says Mareike Gödemann, Director of Marketplaces at Spreadshirt. “Consequently, we are working to further enhance the Showroom to eventually give designers the ability to select which products will get in front of the consumer first in their gallery. In addition, we will expand the marketing tips for designers and create more room for them within our own channels like the blog series Spreadshirt Select Designer of the Month and the Head of the Class Section on our Marketplace homepage.”

The Showroom is part of a comprehensive strategy to help designers achieve greater visibility, a more personal profile, and better sales opportunities. Globally over 150,000 designers have already shared 3.7 million designs via the Spreadshirt international marketplaces. Amongst the wide variety of designs available, the most popular design on Spreadshirt’s North American marketplace is the skeleton with a heart.

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