Valentine’s Day – a Song of Praise for Your Average Joe

A look at our cotton statistics: Spreadshirt’s trend report #40 / February 2012

Boston, February 14, 2012. February 14 has arrived again: where love is confessed more than any other day of the year. We at Spreadshirt had a closer look at over 6.7 million search requests on our t-shirt platform, and this is what we wanted to know:

Do European, American and British men stand by their women, and vice versa? And which terms of endearment did people confess to be using?

It was to be expected and probably comes at little surprise that men are not doing quite as well as women when it comes to declaring their love in public. Our best-selling “I heart” t-shirts alone were sought for some 30,000 times last year and printed 20,000 times, but their potential is still not quite exploited when it comes to declaring your love:

  • London, New York and Paris are the leading towns in our “I heart” statistics.
  • In 8th position we find “I heart my boyfriend”.
  • The corresponding “I heart my girlfriend” received almost exactly 50% less search results.
  • In Britain and Germany, 1 in 100 “I heart” t-shirts said that “my girlfriend loves me” – error of judgment or sound rating?
  • American men seem to be more awake (or loyal?) to their loved ones, because just as many men as women declare their love to each other on their t-shirts in the USA.

You could not think of a nicer way to confess your love than to use terms of endear-ment, right? A German newspaper found out that “precious” is the term most Germans use to refer to their Ingrid or Herrmann, and this is also confirmed by an 80% ratio on Spreadshirt’s t-shirt prints. “Cutie” finished a distant second, and quite a number of animal names were also very popular, probably thanks to their double meanings in German. Americans and Brits are not too fond of animal names, so we find that those German animalistic nicknames have revealed yet another beastly phenomenon of the German psyche. In Britain and America it’s all “honey”, and that didn’t come as much as a surprise either.

A final word on Valentine’s Day – we think that for every romantic woman out there, every unromantic man should make an exception (even if it’s only for a day). Come on guys, just think what mountains you could move by wearing an “I heart my girlfriend” t-shirt!!!

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