Vitamin Sea

Vitamin Sea

Summer is finally here! Outside it’s hot and sunny, and while enjoying a tasty ice cream we wish we were by the seaside right now.

Listening to the sound of the ocean, relaxing in the sun or walking along the shore. Feeling the sand under your feet and the ocean breeze in your hair. And best of all, swimming in the cool water or riding the waves. That’s the summertime dream!

Being by the sea is always special. You immediately feel relaxed and happier. In the summer there is no better place than the beach. You can spend the whole day there doing your thing. But an evening at the beach has it’s perks too. A sunset walk, bonfire with s’mores or just chilling and enjoying a barbecue with friends.

Already planned your next beach vacation and counting the days until you finally are back at the beach? Have nothing on the books but you’re ready to plan a trip and feel that ocean breeze again?

To pass the time until your next trip we’ve prepared some summer-y designs so you can design a custom T-Shirt for your next trip.

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