Fail in style: Valentine’s Day date fails
Whether you’re single or in a relationship, there’s a fat chance that this year’s Valentine’s Day will be a little different. Without restaurants, movie theatres or concerts, it may get somewhat less festive or even socially distanced. Meh. Let’s stay positive and remember the worst Valentine’s Day dates we’ve had!
We’ll also share a few stylish ideas to sweeten up any date. Whether you’re going on a date, spend time with your partner at home, or just with yourself. Any occasion is a good one for a custom gift!
The wrong name
It already happens in school when we send a rose to somebody we fancy on Valentine’s Day. Like, Trevor asks his best buddy Robert to give a rose and a card to that girl Linda from the year below. As sure as the dawn, Linda waits for him after school the next day to tell him she’s truly and totally smitten. Only that Trevor got the name wrong, and he actually meant to send that rose to Melinda. Oops. A single syllable can make a big difference.
Editor’s note: Trevor ended up getting married to Linda eventually.
You like someone, but the person does not even know your name? Then send them a totally secret message with this shirt. Maybe he or she will ask you someday “what’s your name”.
The vegan in the steakhouse
She’s reserved a table for the first date – at the steakhouse. What she doesn’t know is that the guy she likes is actually a vegan. He doesn’t dare say anything and scours the menu for a meal without meat. In vain. It’s a real dilemma! Will he swallow the frog aka spareribs, or tell the one who’s taking him out that there’s nothing he can eat in this restaurant? Diet can be a tricky thing. Those with dietary requirements or allergies to some food or other can let the world know with custom buttons.
The escalation
You’ve met up twice so far, and there’s already been a bit of a spark. It’s clear that your Valentine’s Day date should be something special. You bring her a huge box of chocolates in the shape of a heart, say that you’re in love her, and – before you know it – your uber-romantic self is taking over. Unfortunately, this may lead to a reverse effect. She gets cold feet and texts you after the date that she’d rather stay single. Boo! It’s hard, we know. Start it off slow and have a humorous take on that oh that sedulous flattery…
The heartbreak
You know what a rebound relationship is, right? Somebody entering a new relationship to get over the last one. Your beloved still suffers from an acute case of lovesickness, but still gets together with you – just to forget someone else. Not so nice! Particularly if your partner keeps talking about the ex. If this has ever happened to you, we’re truly sorry. And you’re not alone!
If you’re in the middle of a heartbreak-kinda-situation, consider skipping your V-Day date this year. You can always watch a movie with a friend. And order pizza.
The Conspiracy Theorist
Are you going on an online date or meeting up with someone for a walk this year? It’s not unlikely that you’ll get to know someone who’s into tin foil hats and conspiracy theories. With emotions boiling up faster than usual, you’d be well advised to come clean right from the start. Let them know what you believe in…
Are you breaking up now?
No one knows why, but February 14th isn’t a day for positive emotions alone. It’s also a prime day for pointed arguments and breakups. Valentine’s Day can be a heyday for the splitters!
Did your best friend just go through a breakup? If there’s still time before Valentine’s Day, you can plan a Palentine’s Day instead – a Valentine’s Day for friends.
Either way, a little kit for broken hearts won’t go amiss. Create an insulated water bottle, and fill it with e.g. hot chocolate to help a heart on the mend. When customizing the bottle with text and some of Confucius’ wisdom, it surely beats making a voodoo doll for exacting revenge on the ex.
No sparks
More often than not, sparks may fly unequally on either side of the love circuit. But those awkward dates are just part of life, and they tend to turn into fun anecdotes in your repertoire of dating stories. Take it with a pinch of salt, and don’t give up!
“Be yourself, no matter what they say.” Truer words have rarely been spoken. Don’t let your expectations of the perfect date ruin the day for you. Stay positive! You never know when you’ll meet the one who recognizes you for who you really are.