
Success with Pinterest # 4: strategies for successful pins

In order to find neat periods and sound strategies for dropping pins, it is important to find out how Pinterest can help you measure your success.

strategies for successful pinsFirst we need to tell you that there is no such thing as a magic formula or secret recipe to achieve ultimate success.
Pinterest is still a bit of a challenge to use, particularly in terms of monitoring performance. It is e.g. hard to say where followers are from, and it lacks certain features that other social meadia platforms offer (e.g. Twitter tells you when your followers last logged in).
Other than Facebook, Pinterest requires a much higher activity input. Filling a board means that you need to put some effort into posting several entries on your board, whereas Facebook might only require an informative graphics image once or twice a day.
Reachli Tips (formerly known as Pinerly): here the advise is to post between 1pm and 3pm GMT or between 7pm and 12am., but this is probably only true for the USA as the data is based on the average of ALL Pinterest users. And the question is whether your potential followers do comply with this mean. This is why you’d be probably be best advised to give different times a go to find out what works best for you.
The following 3 criteria will help you find out whether your pins have been dropped at the right time, and hence – among other things – been successful:
1. You received more followers than usual for a new board or your whole account.
2. Your pins have received a lot of ‘likes’ or been re-pinned.
3. Since dropping a pin of a product photo you have experienced a higher conversion rate in your shop.

You should decide for yourself which criteria is most important for you. This is particularly true for your first activities. A general contemplation should always be devoted to assessing the available pin material. It should not be 100% your own – just consider the effect of a pin getting re-dropped over and over again. To get suitable material for pins, it is important to look for and follow other accounts that offer cool material. Potentially this is going to get you more followers, and it will eventually help you raise awareness for your own purposes.

Posting in many short sessions all through the day will help you find out which periods work best for you. It seems like a good idea to note down which pins have been dropped at which time. Sounds like a lot of work? True. But this is the only way to figure out your own strategy that will lead to success with Pinterest.

An analysis by has shown that any social network has different characteristics. These are based on differing user demographics and user habits. This means that you need to accept the challenge and find your own way with Pinterest.

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