
Marketing Tip Tuesday- Writing Product Descriptions

One basic marketing element for a shop partner that is often ignored but never should be is writing a good product description.  Your customers need to know what they are buying and a good, concise product description is fundamental here.  Another reason why a good product description is necessary is the need for great SEO. Google looks for information relevant to customers and the more relevant information you have on your page the better.

So what should your product description include? Obviously, it needs to include what the product actually is. Specs on the products are always useful, a description of what designs are shown are great too. Remember to write clearly and concisely about your product. It cannot be long winded nor can it be full of grammar mistakes. Overall, your description needs to be short, precise and easy to understand.

As mentioned before, the product description can be used for other purposes such as SEO. Include keywords that are relevant and you are trying to be competitive for within your product descriptions. Furthermore, you can use your product description for cross-selling purposes. You can put related products and services in your product description naturally and increase your basket size easily. However, make sure it is naturally worded and not forced. You cannot force in SEO keywords nor links to other products into your product description as that would turn your customers off and possibly ruin your sale.

A good product description could mean the difference between finding great customers and ranking highly on Google and losing sales and visitors. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and think about what they would like to know about your product before buying it.

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