
Graduation 2014

Cap and Diploma Image

Just when you thought you’d never be free of Mr. Miller and his TERRIBLE history class… And when you’ve decided that no matter HOW hungry you are, you will not be eating the cafeteria’s mystery meat again… Just when you can’t listen to another lecture, write another paper or watch another clock tick down while waiting for another bell to ring… it happens… it FINALLY happens: GRADUATION, BABY! It’s time to leave all that childish nonsense behind, rock this summer out and hit that college campus LIKE A BOSS.

It must seem like just yesterday when you were a little baby freshman—all fresh-faced and excited to be in high school with all the cool kids, sporting your new “back to school” clothes that your mom bought for you and probably your ginormous backpack. You probably got picked on. I know I did! I had big, thick glasses and a terrible, horrible, ridiculous looking haircut. But like you, I grew up. I managed to get through that year (barely), became a sophomore, got contact lenses and a little less goofy of a haircut. I even got my license. I moved like 7-points up the coolness scale. Then came junior year—an official “upperclassman”– the prom, homecoming, SATs, actually playing in games and not having to ride the pine anymore… it was the type of thing movies are made of. Then, of course, came senior year: hearing back from colleges, pep rallies, prom (again), homecoming (again), senior skip day and graduation. It all went by in the blink of an eye.

Looking back at those glorious days made me think of ten things I could never, ever possibly forget about high school. Put your list in the comments section and I’ll put together a top ten of the most popular.

1. Number one is the summer and waiting for it every year and how short it always seemed to be
2. Junior and Senior Prom and that one kid who got to go to both as a freshman and sophomore
3. Thinking I ABSOLUTLEY NAILED that test and getting it back with a C+ on it 😉
4. That one lunch lady with the huge mole, the hair net and the funny-looking orthopedic shoes
5. That favorite teacher who would always let us watch movies
6. Early release days!
7. When you had an assembly and got to go down to the auditorium and miss class
8. Running to the mailbox every day toward the end of junior year looking for college acceptance letters
9. Breaking up with your bf/gf and thinking it was the end of the world
10. GRADUATION! (and being done with school weeks before all the underclassmen)

These are my favorite memories. Make sure you let me know yours. Check out Spreadshirt’s huge collection of graduation designs. I’m pretty sure you’ll be attending your fair share of graduation parties, so this is a great spot to find your gifts!


Graduation 2014 T-ShirtsGraduation 2014 T-ShirtsGraduation 2014 T-Shirts

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