We’ve added a basic face mask to the Marketplace. Learn more about its features and add ‘em to your line-up!
Basic Face Mask
The face mask (ID 1457) is a basic and practical way to cover the nose and mouth. You can make it a unique masterpiece by creating designs that will inspire your customers during these difficult times!

- 52% cotton/48% polyester
- One size fits most
- Raw edges, easy to secure behind the ears
- Contoured shape
- Printing area is 5.90 x 2.95 inch
- Vector graphics printable only
- Design price is 1.00$
While face masks are a popular choice for covering the nose and mouth, don’t forget about the classic bandana! Bandanas are another way to cover your nose and mouth. Strike while the iron is hot and add these face protection products to your current or new designs on the Marketplace. Please note, due to their increased popularity and the current circumstances there may be slight delays in production or shipping.
Important: Our face protection products are not suitable for medical environments, they are best for personal use. By wearing face protection products, you limit the spread of germs from talking, coughing, sneezing, etc. Additionally, be sure to wash your face protection products after each use. Even while wearing face protection, you should still be sure to wash your hands and follow all recommended health and safety guidelines. Our face protection products are not 100% effective in preventing the spread of viruses.
We look forward to seeing what you create!
Stay healthy!
Printing can let us achieve pretty much any kind of desired results that we might want. Personalized face masks made from photo in India might not have become a common sight but hey! Who said we can’t change that? https://bit.ly/3CAnp2P
Hello everyone,
we added a new face mask to the Marketplace. Spoiler alert: Designs can be printed with Flex, Specialty Flex, and DD.
For more information visit: https://www.spreadshirt.com/blog/2020/05/20/product-news-additional-face-mask/
Best regards,
Where do I go on Spreadshirt to design one?
Hello Michael,
the face mask can be found in the partner area under accessories.
Best regards,
I uploaded an Adobe Illustrator file no problem but the facemask option is greyed out and says “Design format not printable on these products.” That’s incorrect because after doing it incorrectly the first time, I followed your exact instructions to a key the second time (clean vectors, not many anchor points, 3 colors total on 3 total separate layers.) Why am I getting this error message?
Here are your instructions that I followed effortlessly.
We support SVG, AI and CDR file formats.
Your design must not exceed 15 x 15 inches. We recommend 11 x 11 inches as the ideal size.
Lines and other parts of the design must have a diameter of at least 0.06 inches.
Maximum 3 colors: we can print up to three colors when plotter printing.
Please create each color in your design as a separate layer.
All objects and text to be printed must be converted into paths.
Make sure that all curves are completely closed and do not overlap each other.
I created 2 face mask designs but I only see the first one in my public facing showroom. They don’t appear under accessories. What category are they undere? And is there a lag time for review before they are publicly available?
Hello everyone,
the problem is, that you can’t just convert a pixel-file into a vectorfile. For printing on these masks only real vectorfiles are accepted. You need to create an ai. or svg-file with a dedicated software like inkscape or adobe illustrator. If you´re using pixebased imgagesoftware like gimp, photoshop you won’t get a correct vectorfile.
But if you think you did everything correctly, you can send your file or the DesignID of your uploaded Design via E-Mail to partner@spreadshirt.com and we will have a look and give you feedback.
Or you could also check our forum for more information and updates on different topics: https://www.spreadshirt.com/forum/
Best regards, Sandra
Why can we not upload pictures? I really want to! I am very bad at making vector art. Please update it so we can use normal png images. Is there a difference in printing them or something?
Hello Francis,
yes, there is a difference in printing on the masks. Therefore only vectorfiles are accepted and they have to be flex-capable.
Please see the following page for more information regarding the optimization of vector graphics for print: https://help.spreadshirt.com/hc/en-us/articles/206775719-Optimizing-Vector-Graphics-for-Print
Best regards, Sandra
I have no mask available yet to design. when will they be coming out?
Hello Malik,
the face mask can be found in the partner area under accessories. For printing on these masks only real vectorfiles are accepted. If you didn´t upload a vectorfile, the mask is greyed out and cannot be selected.
Best regards, Sandra
In My Account there are NO FACE MASKS AVAILABLE. WHY ?
I made fresh and exciting design on mask for more types of colours you can trust me for this work.
hello how can we upload a mask design ???
No face masks for me in my .com account! Why? Are you enabelig them in waves? Or do some creators get them and others not? I really want them, because I have svg. designs…
I got an e-mail some days a go titelt: Introducing: face masks… With a description and so on… But in my account there are NO FACE MASKS available under accessoiries… I´m checking my account every day for face masks… But nope…
Hello RE,
the face mask can be found in the partner area under accessories. For printing on the masks only vectorfiles are accepted and they have to be flex-capable. Your uploaded vectorfiles are not flex-capable, because the line width is too thin.
Please see the following page for more information regarding the optimization of vector graphics for print: https://help.spreadshirt.com/hc/en-us/articles/206775719-Optimizing-Vector-Graphics-for-Print
Best regards, Sandra
Anyone figured out how to get the svg file working yet for the masks?
no, have the same problem 🙁
I see it but its not let me chose it to design one, and I ma in USA United State of America Aka US aka NA!!!!
US does not constitute NA, “aka” does NOT apply!
I would love to get these up and ready to sell!!!
I guess I have never saved svg files before…the background goes transparent…which is fine…but so does everything white in my design!
Can anyone help me please?!
Same problem here. I upload an ai file and get a can not be printed message. Curious why you’ve made this process so difficult. PNG files are uploading and printing beautiful on every other POD site. Guess I won’t be making any unless you can simplify this process.
I’m located within the U.S. but do not see the face masks under accessories, help please..
Hello sir
. . . . . . we are making face masks
Hi, I can’t find the face masks under Accessories (U.S. account). Can you help?
Same problem!
i sold an item but did not get notified by spreadshirt i had to check manually my dashboard, i checked my spam folder and double checked my emails on the same day i sold the item but could not find any email from spreadshirt that says i have sold an item !?
Very confused. Hard to find the product and am unable to upload the .svg files. Please help.
SVG only? Why? You make much smaller items with the PNG files I have already submitted. This is a greatly wasted opportunity. :^(
This. The vector printing process is crazy time consuming. Lots of publicity about the masks, and now I’m like, big deal, not remaking my designs.
Where can the mask be found to place designs on it for the marketplace?
.svg files won’t upload to design page.
What do I need to do to get it to upload.
Same Problem!
there are not the face mask in my products to sell, why?
Every time i upload the SVG file, the colors turn black.
No face masks for me to choose from either, coming soon?
I use photoshop to create designs, and I don’t know which format is accepted for Face Mask?
Upload vector file with no problem, but the new mask is not showing up under accessories?
What is the requirement for the design? I uploaded the SVG file and it said error. The file cannot be printed.
Please advise.
I have tried to use for both svg and ai files for face masks but it always says that design format not suitable for mask. what’s the problem?
That’s a beautiful thing. Some logos can be designed on it
Opening of an on line shoppy at
Munikh of at Germany
That’s a beautiful thing.
Plz drop your without design madk in your website so we could make design on it..due to size should nt be.thanks…
Launch uours madk so we could make design on it…
Plz drop your without design madk in your website so we could make design on it..due to size should nt be.thanks.
What are the required dimensions for the design to put on the mask?
Hey Me,
you need to upload a vectorfile for these masks such as ai- or svg-files. The resolution is not important for vector graphics.
I made fresh nd attractive design on mask ..plz visit my site….
How about reading the description?…
Can’t find it!
Only the regular white mask is available to put design on…
Hey @Masterchef,
this new mask is available fo NA only. So within your EU-Account you wont find it as we have the mentioned white mask.
If you have a NA-Account you will find it under Accessories.