Different shipping prizes upon checkout

Hi, My shop shows two different shipping costs upon checkout.
I can’t explain this to customers. Is it a setting I didn’t find yet or can it be explained otherwise.

This seems like a bug. Can you send me the link to the checkout or alternatively let me know with which products this happens / in which shop (shop ID needed) this happens so we can look at this for ourselves and fix it?

Thanks. This is the checkout page

But it seems to occur upon any order. Our shop-ID: 100438592

Is this an EU shop? What’s the TLD? .ie ?
Can you pass me a link?

I cannot seem to reproduce the problem but I also might not have the exact settings at hand. More info would help :slight_smile:

Yes, we’ve an EU-shop. We use the .net TLD (https://shop.spreadshirt.net/revenge-apparel is the shop url).
Let me know what other settings/details you need.

Thanks for the specifications. That’s not a bug, because the minibasket calculates the estimated value which is based on the TLD settings. While the amount shown in the checkout page considers the specific shipping details. So if you had something else in your basket beforehand, the prices will differ. This is not typical for our consumers and they do not see this kind of discrepancies in most of the cases.

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