No sells found on my dashboard

I have a design selling with over 2800 positives reviews from custmers sens laste year 2019, and still selling in JAN,2020, but i didn’t receive my earning and i don’t see any statistique or earning details on my dashboard,please some help

Hey @dobby19,

The review-numbers on the productdetailpage are only the reviews for the producttype itself and they are not connected with a single design.
Your designs haven’t sold so far. There are some things you could optimise to raise your chances for sales: Currently you set up the productrange for almost all of your designs with only 10-14 products. You coudd increase the number of products significantly. To achieve that using our template feature would be a good way to save a lot of time. Please have a short look here:

It sounds like this man has had sales that aren’t reflected on his dashboard.

But if it’s a question of getting “likes” without sales… It is January and a bad month for everyone in retail (espescially in the US). Most people spent too much money on Christmas and are now paying off credit cards…

Ahoy @dobby19 ,

like I said before - and I know that this maybe hurts: there was no single sale from beginning 2019 until now. Therefore the statistik in the Partnerarea is right when showing nothing.
If you refer to the positive reviews on the product detail page please keep in mind, that these reviews are only product based without any connection to your designs.
You can easily check that by choosing any other design from another partner but chose the indentical producttype - you will see the same review-numbers as before.
Sorry for don’t having better news.

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