
Everyone’s Favorite Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil…

…saw his shadow yesterday. You know what that means, kids: 6 more lovely weeks of gray days, arctic winds, shoveling your driveway, numb fingers, cleaning off your car and all the other super fun stuff that goes along with winter. It’s time to take a stand. It’s time to look the polar vortex square in the eye, stand strong and shout right in its face, “Throw your worst at me, polar vortex! I can take whatever you can dish out!”

Head on over to today and check out all of our cold weather gear. We’ve got zip hoodies, pullovers, scarfs, winter hats, jackets, long sleeves….. whatever you need to get through the next six weeks, we’ve got it. Design your own stuff or pick from over half a million designs in our Marketplace. Remember, summer is right around the corner. Let’s band together, gear up and teach Ol’ Man Winter once and for all that NEXT YEAR he may not want to stick around as long.

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