5 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas with a Personal Touch

5 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas with a Personal Touch

Finding the right gift for Valentine’s Day, eh? Whether you’ve been in a long-term relationship or just want to wow somebody to make them yours, it’s the one gift you want to get right. We’ve collected five ideas to print your love on clothing and accessories.

Say it like it is

As so often in life, less can be more. When trying too hard with a gift for Valentine’s day, you can lose sight of the bigger picture. After all, you really love this one person like no otter other out there, right? Then don’t hold back, say it like it is, and print in on a custom T-shirt. Wording and font can easily be changed with the Customization Tool, and you can upload images or use designs from our pool.

Write a little poem

What? Poetry? Meeee??? The good news is – you don’t need to be Shakespeare to put your feelings into words. Modern poetry can be very straightforward and accessible, and it still looks very nice and romantic. A few simple lines on a custom pillowcase will go a long way for you, even if you think that your inspiration usually gets the short end of the deal. Here’s an example of how easy it can be done with a custom pillowcase. And yes, the author of this little poem googled “what rhymes with you”!

Let flowers and hearts do the talking

Not a fan of big words? Well, there’s always a chance to resort to symbolism. But before you rush off to the flower shop or have a bouquet of insanely expensive flowers delivered to their doorstep, why not get something sustainable? This custom mug will easily withstand the test of time and many a dish-washing cycle. And – best of all – it will still carry your message in years to come

Make a promise you can keep

Let’s face it – we’ve all done it. A promise that really felt right and heartfelt at the time of making it is one thing, but you’ll always be judged on whether you keep it or not. Think of something achievable that would even be a fun thing to do. And then print it on a piece of clothing or accessory that kind of fits your idea. In this case, a custom apron fits the occasion of promising to cook on a rainy day.

Give the gift of warmth

Love is a feeling often associated with warmth and the colour red. Our blood keeps us ticking at temperature, fire keeps us warm, and red roses are the ultimate symbol of the highest and nobelest way a human being is able to feel. While this sis all a bit clichéd and last year (or century), there’s nothing wrong with giving the gift of warmth. This custom hoodie will keep your lover warm, particularly when adorned with your photo and a nice little message.

Looking for more gift ideas? Check out our lockdown gifts and homeoffice gifts.

What would you like to get for Valentine’s Day? And do you have a tip of how to vreate the perfect gift?

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